What You Pawn I Will Redeem Summary

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Can it be Redeemed? Sherman Alexie’s short story “What You Pawn I Will Redeem” brings to light some of the issues that afflict the Native American society. Consequently, he manages to illustrate these issues through the twenty-four hour behaviors of the protagonist and the events that take place in his mission to recuperate his long-lost grandmother’s ceremonial regalia. The social issues that the author presents are not individual or stagnant; hence, are all part of a vicious cycle that can be derived from the impecunious state that many Native Americans experience. However, as mentioned previously, not all social agendas such as poverty, stand isolated; as a result, many Native Americans as well as others, fall prey to the unfortunate …show more content…

Hence, in the story, Jackson shares his grandfather’s murder at the hands of a family member during a drunken domestic violence dispute. “Yeah, it was awful … his brother and his girlfriend were drunk and beating on each other …my grandfather kneeled down beside her …my great uncle reached down, pulled my grandfather’s pistol out of the holster, and shot him in the head.” This conversation denotes to some degree the harsh reality that Jackson could have been exposed to during his childhood. Yet, NolseCat in his article “13 Issues Facing Native People Beyond Mascots and Casinos” spotlights that women and children in Native American communities fall victims to the undesirable acts of violence and teen suicide rates double that of the national rate. Additionally, NolseCat suggests, “Native peoples suffer from high rates of poverty and unemployment,” which heightens anxiety in the face of economic hardship. These factors influence both the emotional and physical states of the individuals facing these conditions; therefore, when poverty and alcohol are added factors, more often than not it creates an environment conducive to …show more content…

Additionally, through Jackson, he was able to demonstrate the struggles, battle, and conquest that may be attained with endurance and perseverance. Jackson, although, did not elicit any violent tendencies, he demonstrated to deal with his distressed and impoverish condition through alcoholism; nevertheless, at the end of the story, he appears to find himself through the recovery of his family’s heirloom. This glorious ending, may signify the glimpse of hope that may lead to a redeemable state, mentally, emotionally, and physically; moreover, creating opportunities for positive

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