“What You Eat Is Your Business” reflection

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“What You Eat Is Your Business” reflection The common thought of most Americans living in the United States that it is the greatest country on planet earth, and second is not even close. They believe this notion because of the freedoms this great nation was founded on: The freedom of religion, the freedom of speech, the freedom of assembly. These freedoms turn into more simplistic generalities that are assumed and exercised by Americans daily, such as the freedom of choice. Although the freedom of choice is a right given to us at birth, it is a right that the federal government of the greatest nation on earth is slowly starting to rescind. Lets take health care for example, or most specifically, obesity. Law makers are slowing starting to push policies into the forum of public health. Those same law makers are the same people blaming the fast food industry, food manufacturing companies, scientist making artificial ingredients, and everyone else who lays a hand on food before it reaches your table for American becoming obese, not the person choosing to put that food in their mouth. In his essay, “What You Eat Is Your Business”, Radley Balko argues just the same. Balko says that your well-being, shape, and condition have increasingly been deemed matters of public health, instead of matters of personal responsibility, as they should be (396). Balko also says that Instead of manipulating or intervening in the array of food options available to American consumers, our government ought to be working to foster a sense of responsibility in and ownership of our own health and well-being (396). Finally Balko argues that it should only be the responsibility of the individual to be fiscally responsible when it comes to health. What Balko is s... ... middle of paper ... ...ld be allowed to hold clients personally responsible for their actions, and charge those clients more for an increased use of services. Certain standards are held for every adult in modern society. These standards range all across the board as far as topics go, but it seems like the standard is not held to a reasonable level when it comes to personal health. The citizens of the US everyday find themselves with a freedom of choice, and everyday citizens choose to lead an unhealthy lifestyle. In turn, these same people who lead unhealthy lifestyles are the same people who refuse to hold themselves responsible for the cause of the issues. These issues must be resolved internally, and until society stops enabling these people to make excuses and these people chose to lead a healthy lifestyle, the United States will continue this pandemic in the regression of health.

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