What Went Wrong With Nike Sweatshops

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Nike has plenty of critics, but some believe the company has done nothing wrong with the treatment of their workers. William Stepp, from Libertarian Mises Institute, believes that the benefits the workers are given at the factories improve their lives (Nike sweatshops, 2017). William backs his opinion by the fact the workers agreed to the wage and work hours before deciding to take the job (Nike sweatshops, 2017). The workers are supplied with benefits like free physicals, clinic and health services, uniforms, food, transportation, and entertainment; if the other part of the factory work is not as glamorous, the workers still receive better treatment from the factories than other jobs (Nike sweatshops, 2017). In addition, studies were conducted by the Global Alliance for Workers and Communities, and they discovered that 70% of Nike workers in Thailand would rate their supervisors as good, and that 72% thought they were paid fair wages (Nike sweatshops, 2017). If the workers believe they are being treated fairly, and that the factory job is more stable than farm work, is there really a problem. Many factory workers will migrate towards factories because the work is steady than farmland, and they can send money back to their families. The factories supply jobs to people who normally would not be able to find jobs that pay a decent and consistent wage (Nike sweatshops, …show more content…

However, the willingness of the workers makes them easy targets for low wages and poor factory conditions, and the factory strike in China is the perfect example of human beings that are tired of being treated like they do not deserve fair

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