What Was Augustus's Downfall

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Following the successful side of Julius Caesar leadership, Augustus hosted many games and other measures such as ensuring the Gods were frequently celebrated. Augustus made sure the water supply was improved, and public baths had been put in place, these acts kept society happy and gained Augustus’s popularity. To please the people and allow for peace, Augustus never claimed the title of “Emperor” or “King” as they were part of the reason for his uncle’s downfall. Augustus took the name of “Princeps” instead, which was a much safer and smarter option. Augustus received high office via the Senate and was also the head of Rome’s religious and political affairs. After many years of civil riots, Augustus was able to deliver peace and prosperity to Roman society and allowed for the 200 years of Pax Romana. Augustus could have put his power to use in an evil and self-serving way, but instead, he was generous with all of the society including …show more content…

Augustus was the basis for the time of the Principate period, which is a period where the rulers of the new found monarchy attempted to incorporate aspects of the Roman Republic within the powerful empire. Augustus tried his best to maintain conservative forms of government. Augustus’s sole ambition was to remove the hatred and chaos that had resulted from the civil wars. Thankful for Augustus working to restore power back to the Roman senate in his new reforms, the grateful Senate granted him the name Augustus meaning sacred. January, 27 BC, Octavian humbly resigned his powers within Rome, However Augustus received them back from the Senate shortly after. Augustus’s military genius marked the start of a dynasty which saw an extensive expansion of the Roman

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