What Role Does The Senate Play In The Canadian Political System

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Canada is a great democratic nation, but like all other countries it also has its own political flaws. Some aspects of the Canadian political scene are questionable for their slight violation against democratic norms. Many debates have taken place for the reforms needed in the Canadian political system, in order to make it more democratic. The role the bureaucracy plays in Canada is immense. They are non-elected government officials that work under various different government departments, Crown corporations and agencies and regulatory tribunals. The bureaucracy also plays an integral part in Cabinet policy-making and implementation of policies. They offer advice and provide them with information about an issue. The ministers for government …show more content…

It has been under constant fire for several justifiable reasons. The Senators fail to represent the interests of their region or minority group, and this causes disconnect between the people and the Senate. The lack of multiculturalism seen in the Senate is also a cause of concern to many, since Canada is a diverse country it is only fair to have more people of different backgrounds in the Senate. Senators are seen as puppets of the prime minister, because the senators that are suggested to the Governor General by the prime minister are party supporters. The Governor General then appoints these individuals which defeats the purpose of the Senate completely because these Senators are more likely to work to the advantage of the prime minister rather than the people. The cost of keeping the Senate is a problem in itself. It is very costly to have a Senate. Many Canadians rightfully object to the amount of money put towards the Senate from their tax money, since they serve such little purpose in today’s political sphere. Their salaries compared to their work effort has a huge discrepancy. The Senators have been continuously criticised for only working about three months each year and missing days of …show more content…

The advantage of this system is that an individual can vote for a representative who they believe will work for their interest and not feel pressured to vote for a representative of their preferred of political party. There is no such pressure, because they are given two votes and one is to solely vote for the party they would like to see in power. The mixed-member electoral system would also result in the decrease of voter apathy because the voter can easily see how their vote makes a difference in the bigger spectrum of things. It would also make elections more appealing to voters due to its complex nature yet simple enough to understand. The simplicity of the mixed-member electoral system is how an individual is given the right vote for their preferred member of parliament and another vote for their choice of political party. The complexity of this electoral system is in the process of how seats in the House of Commons are assigned to each

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