What Makes Me Research Paper

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What makes me, me is that when I set a goal I don't really back down from it unless I have to. But we always have a choice so I always try to find a way to do it or at least try.I do ask for help if I need it but that's because it truly helps and could help you do a lot better. If I set my mind on something I know that I could do good. I love math and I try hard and I did good. I started to like reading just not the reading books part but I still did pretty good. Now I'll just try harder and try to be better than last year. I love to run and just be with close friends. I like to just relax sometimes and just sit and look up and I wonder about so many random things but that's what makes me me. I like to ask many questions and it can be …show more content…

He also said that being sexy is being really smart and it made me think that, what if I got hurt during a sport and I only cared for sports and not my education what would happen if something happened and I couldn't do sports. I'm not smart and so I couldn't get a job. If I was really smart and cared for it,well nothing can take your intelligence away. So being smart is being sexy at least to me. What surprised me that he said was that “every job is a stepping stone to my next job” and it surprised me because it's true. You get better at a job the second time because you already know what to do and how to do it. It's always better to have experience so you know what to do. You work small and then work yourself up. One thing that relates to me that he said was about how life is. He said to build a life not to live one. I set a goal for myself so I can fight towards something because I don't just want to be like everyone else. The system is messed up because you just work and work and work your whole life. I work and it's hard but when I need to rest and have fun I take the chance because it's my life. That's what related to me to what he

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