What Janie Found By Zora Neale Found

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It is often said that the truth will set you free, but is freedom always worth it? Janie is battling this dilemma throughout the continuous whirlwind that is her life. In What Janie Found, Janie finds a folder in her father’s filing cabinet that is labeled “H.J.” Inside this folder is a check book that reveals that Janie’s dad has been paying Hannah, Janie’s kidnapper, money four times a year. Since Janie’s dad is in the hospital, she has to decide if she would like to continue to pay Hannah, or cut her off completely. To decide this, Janie travels with her brother and best friend to find Hannah so that she can finally confront Hannah and resolve her opinion of the person that changed her life forever. In Janie Face to Face, Janie goes to …show more content…

The first reason for Janie’s excursion is that she wants to come face to face with Hannah. Hannah has caused Janie, and her two families, to suffer immeasurably over the last 15 years. Hannah crushed her parents when she left to join a cult, she agonized the Spring family when she abducted Janie in the mall, and she battered Janie now that she knows the truth about what her life could have been. Because Hannah had caused so much damage in her lifetime, Janie wanted to find her so that she can understand why. Why Hannah left her family, why Hannah took Janie, and why she never came back or apologized :). Janie also partly went to Colorado to see if she can find Hannah. Besides talking to Hannah, Janie wanted to look at her. She wanted to see how she lived and what she looked like. Janie wanted to be able to put a face to the name that she had cursed so many times. Secretly, Janie wants Hannah to be in misery and suffering that way Janie can feel as though she got what she deserved. Another reason for Janie’s trip, though not as significant, was to see her brother. Janie’s brother, Stephen, goes to college in Colorado. Stephan rarely makes trips back to see his family and is quite separated from his family. Janie and her siblings, especially Brian, miss Staphan alot, and it would be wonderful to catch up with him: “Brian adored Stephen, and missed him terribly” (Cooney, Caroline B. What Janie Found 85). Colorado provides …show more content…

In Janie Face to Face, Caroline B. Cooney describes Janie’s dynamic wedding gown and the bridesmaid’s vibrant dresses. Janie’s dress is shimmery, with a hundred silk-covered buttons following the contours of her back. At her neckline, there is a double row of ribbons with small, scalloped cap sleeves resting on the sides. The dress hugs her tightly along the bodice and flares right below the waist. The satin skirt of the gown flows with every move she makes. The bridesmaids dresses are almost just as elegant. It glows a soft pink hue. The ruching and ruffles gather at the waist, attractively accentuating the delicate bodies of the bridal party :). The sleeves form thin lines of silk that frame the girls’ elegant features. The dress brushes the ground and covers all but the tips of the bridesmaids’ black shoes. The chapel that holds the wedding is also impressively described. The church is brimming with life and excitement for the day to come. The delicate white and pink ribbons lining the pews add a softness to the animated spirit in the church. The flowers throughout the chapel perfectly matched the bouquet that Janie lovingly held in her hand. The flowers were just as Janie pictured in her dreams: “The florist passed out the bouquets. Hers was beautiful. Just what Janie would have chosen if she had chosen” (Cooney, Caroline B. Janie Face to Face 332). Every aspect and detail of the wedding

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