What It Means To Live In Walt Whitman's Song Of Myself

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Philosophers, poets, song writers, novelists, even your parents have been trying to figure out the meaning of life for ages, or more so how to live life to the fullest. In class we have been reading writings from Whitman, Thoreau and Emerson, all of which believe they understand what it truly means to live. In order to live a life well lived, and truly be alive one must open their eyes and stop being afraid to live. In the song “Wake Up Time” by Tom Petty, the lyrics “and it’s wake up time, time to open your eyes, and rise and shine” express exactly what it means to live. It directly correlates to what one must to to live a life well lived, “open your eyes”. The title of the song even directly correlates, “Wake Up Time”, when you wake up you open your eyes therefore suggesting that to live one needs to wake up. Later in the song it says “ you were so cool, back in high school, what happened”. This plays off the idea off settling and how most people will end up settling for something, but we should not. We must open our eyes, we cannot settle because if we settle we are …show more content…

Whitman writes “long have you timidly waded holding a plank by the shore, now I will you to be a bold swimmer”(25-26 Whitman). Whitman uses metaphor to get his point across. It is not likely that Whitman is actually talking about someone afraid to swim, rather Whitman uses jumping into water as a metaphor to going out and living. Jumping into water, for someone afraid to swim, would be a terrifying act, but worth it in the end. Just like going out and living, for someone who is comfortable, would be hard, but worth it in the end. Whitman also writes that “you must find out for yourself”(20). There is no specific answer that one can give about the exact way to live life, going out and finding what it means to live is part of the journey to truly

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