What It Means To Be Well Educated Essay

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What Is the Purpose of Being Well Educated?
After reading much discussion on what it means to be well educated, I have come to the conclusion that “meaning” shouldn’t be the focus of being well educated. Purpose, should be the foundation of a well-educated person. We are not called to consume a well of knowledge to be weighted or measure by some human standard. In fact, we are not called to consume information for any other reason but to bring God glory.
Memorizing a bunch of facts!
Let’s discuss come of the arguments that have been raised about the definition of a well-educated person. According to the United States College Board there are two test that determine if students are educated enough to move on to a post-secondary school: the SAT Reasoning Test is a standardized test for college admissions in the United States. The College Board claims that the SAT can determine whether or not a person is ready for college. with possible scores from 600 to 2400 combining test results from three 800-point sections (math, critical reading, and writing), along with other subsections scored separately. The test consists almost entirely of …show more content…

Along with being a full-time student she works at her local YMCA. My friend has a wonderful job nurturing and encouraging behaviorally challenged children. while her degree appears further and further away and far from being an accurate determination of well-educated. Unfortunately, my friend has a mindset that her college education is what determines her success, all the while there are multiple parents who couldn’t manage without the wisdom she has poured into their children. This type of requirement for success or to be labeled well educated is unnecessary and far from successful in comparison to her abilities that seem to come naturally when sharing with others. Her purpose outweighs her credentials from college in my

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