What Is Work Life Balance Essay

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How do you balance work and life? The notion of work-life balance has evolved greatly becoming ambiguous over time, along with the struggle of achieving it. It is important to realize that work-life balance can mean different things to different people. It can change and mean different things at various points in people’s careers. Work-life balance is the relative importance of work and personal life to a particular individual (work-life Balance, 2016) . With my own literal interpretation of the meaning behind this term, work-life balance is basically trying to find an equal level of work outside life. It is about having a perfectly-optimal career along with a perfectly-optimal life. But with close introspection you come to realize that work …show more content…

Like every other organization they all expect better performance and productivity, whereas people have their own expectations, such as; pay, promotions, enjoyment, and job satisfactions, all while maintaining their personal lives. Work influences the non-work life and vice-versa, the non-work life has a way of influencing work life. The benefits of achieving work-life balance is an increase in job satisfaction (Schleicher, Watt, & Greguras, 2004), which organizations aim at. If employees are satisfied with their jobs, then they will increase their level of efficiency. Organizations play a vital role in assisting employees find a balance between their work and family life. Many organizations have come up with ways or rather have implement strategies with the purpose to help the employee’s need, by starting up programs such as aftercare, elderly-care, flexi-time or even …show more content…

With my interpretation and understanding ‘work-life balance’, means that a person is trying to find a balance between work and these other components that occupy a person’s life 50/50. This then means that if a person is not fulfilled or happy with his/her work, then they might ultimately spend a huge portion of their life being stressed, resentful and generally unhappy. We wouldn’t call this an ideal way of life, now would

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