What Is The Word Love Essay

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The word love can be defined as an emotional bond between two individuals that share a close relationship to each other. At least, that is what the public believes what the word love meant. Of course, it is a state of emotion when an individual enjoys the comfort of someone else who shares that same emotion back. Although, it may be true, but coming from experience, the word love has a different definition. As mentioned before, love can be meant as a status of showing deep affection toward another person. However, in my definition, love can also can be meant as a strong, passionate feeling to a hobby, a pursuit of an objective, or a belief. Regardless of what forms it takes, it does not solely express an immediate feeling toward a significant …show more content…

While growing up, a child is more likely be exposed to the thrill of sports, especially in western culture. Whether it’s soccer, football, swimming, or dancing, they can all grab the youth attention into participating in those sports. Of course, not every child would enjoy certain sports or even sports at all, but those who still participate and enjoy the thrills of it, are the people who show love for what best interest them the most. In this case, if a student athlete were to play baseball ever since a little league. Likewise, that student athlete will remain to play baseball for the fun rather than the competitive purpose of winning. All for the reason of loving the intention of baseball; expressing a large amount of effort as well of showing a vehement urge for playing the game. Furthermore, when I was in …show more content…

In most cases, these beliefs are often depicted as religions due to the purpose of giving a meaning of hope toward its followers. In religion, people who follows that belief tend to find their love toward a god due to his presence that makes the world as what it is. As in the religion Christianity, people who follows that belief accept the love of god and the love of everyone else because it is part of the bible to love everyone. However, the word love being depicted in a religion is very like what its generic meaning is, but it is still unique. Of course, it represents a strong passion toward another individual whether they share the same religion or not. In fact, it is compassionate sensation of putting faith into what a belief is supposed to represent. For instance, I am a Christian person and when I put my love for someone, I also put strong faith toward them as well. Meaning, that I carry my strong sense of hope and wishes that person good health in their life. With people expressing their love to a belief whether it’s being a Jewish, Catholic, Muslim and many others, the ideal of a belief is to express oneself faith towards other. In other words, love can have the feeling of hope toward something that will bring good fortune one

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