What Is The Theme Of Sexism In The Bronx Is Next

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- I’m Black When I am Singing, I’m Blue When I Ain’t: In both - I’m Black When I am Singing, I’m Blue When I Ain’t: and “The Bronx is next “ by Sonia Sanchez the main characters show sign of insanity and depressions. Both seems tired and frustrated about their predicament and took actions with Reena using her voices as the weapons against social and economics exploitations while Charles uses his power as a male and violence to get his point across. Also, both plays spoke about the exploitation of woman. She uses all those flaws of her characters to get to tell her truth which is a call to the value of changes while also speaks to the beauty of a non-exploitative age. The play “The Bronx is Next” demonstrate the change or revolution that was happening in Harlem in the 1960’s like the evil of racism and how it contribute to sexism. In the performance the author views have conflicted, she serves as both jury and executioner like at one point she’s honoring the black power movement while at the same time criticizing it. She told her truth and the reality of the black experience using both the goods and the bad elements. Sonia Sanchez uses the characters in “The Bronx is Next” to shed light on the frustrations felt by Black African Americans in urban areas and also use role plays to expose the violent confrontation between the police and the black community. One example of her conflicted views is Charles striking down black bitch which is bad but can also be interpreted as him being against her views of the inferiority of black man or the rejection of white western values which had instilled in black people a lot of negative images of themselves. "When the movement is done, you won’t have us black Bitches to come back to" the …show more content…

“The Bronx Is Next”. The Drama Review: TDR 12.4 (1968): 78–84. Web... Sonia Sanchez. “- I’m Black When I am Singing, I’m Blue When I Ain’t:". - I’m Black When I am Singing, I’m Blue When I Ain’t (1982)

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