What Is The Theme Of Checkouts By Cynthia Rylant

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The short-story Checkouts written by Cynthia Rylant, is a story about a girl who moves to Cincinnati. This girl young with thick red hair and in it a huge orange bow who still is in high school and would much rather stay at her old house. She had got on her knees and begged them to please let her finish school in the house of her childhood. Obviously the girl would much rather of stayed at her old house even though her parents said she would love the new home. That is why when she moves to the new house she goes sifting through photographs of the life that she had once had. She finally decides to move on and goes to the supermarket. The theme of this short-story is we miss the chances that we don’t take. In the short story readers feel bad for this girl who just had to move into a new house just as she was finishing her childhood and was about to move into adulthood. Then as the setting changes she goes to the supermarket because she decided she can’t mope around forever. She shopped then got to the checkout while she was checking out the bag boy dropped a mayonnaise jar that instant she fell in love. Then he did not say anything only looked at her as he was packing bags and admired her confidence and everyone's around him. He went into a brown depression for the rest of …show more content…

The bag boy had become bored of his job so he moved on and looked for new jobs he found one at a bookstore where girls were always coming in somewhere in between him getting his new job he had asked a girl to the movies as well. They both saw each other again with their dates at the movie theaters they again said nothing to each other only looked at each other and smiled didn’t say one word yet again. They didn’t take the time to even say hi or try to meet one another become friends. They missed the chance yet again to meet one another because they did not take any

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