What Is The Reggio Emilia Approach

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Assessing children’s development.

The approaches and theories of creativity for the well-being of children and young people
Creativity involves being imaginative and original. Creative activities encourage problem-solving, flexibility and imagination. It allows children to try out new ideas. It also promotes social, emotional and intellectual development, and the ability to express own ideas. There are few theories that have said creativity plays a role in leaning and benefits the child.
Howard Gardner
Howard Gardner’s theory talked about multiple intelligences which include linguistic, logical, mathematical, musical, spatial, naturalist and bodily – kinaesthetic intelligence. The theory states that all seven intelligences are needed to …show more content…

Piaget’s theory is based on stages, whereby each stage represents a qualitatively different type of thinking. Children in stage one cannot think the same as children in stage 2, 3 or 4 etc. He believed a child cannot learn unless they are constantly interacting with their environment, making mistakes and then learning from them.
The Reggio Approach
The Reggio Approach believes that children are driven by curiosity and imagination. An important belief of Reggio Emilia philosophy is that the child is encouraged to develop individual understandings of the world and its objects through active explorations. The Reggio Emilia Approach also emphasises hands-on discovery learning that allows the child to use all their senses and all their languages to learn.

Different types of creative activity and their …show more content…

Some children may need help and encouragement to develop their skills in creative activity. It is important to encourage them as it enables them to make decisions by themselves and to be able to make choices. It also allows them to express themselves and think and try new ideas. Creative development has greater impact when its principles are shared and equally valued both in the setting and within the home environment. Being a role model by joining in messy activities with them will encourage them to develop their own creative interests. Some children learn best by observing others and then doing the same. This can benefit the children as they can also build a good relationship with adults and children their age. They also won’t be afraid of trying new things. You can also encourage children by talking to them and asking them questions. This will help their communication skills and encourage their imagination. Also by encouraging them you can observe them and work on the child’s weaknesses. Encouraging creativity in children is to make sure their learning and play involves as many of the senses as possible. It is important to encourage creative activities as a child is more likely to learn and remember more effectively if the learning or play activity involves touch, smell, hearing or tasting, as well as

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