What Is The Parallel Between Rappaccini's Daughter And The Garden Of Eden

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The biblical story centering around the Garden of Eden and man’s fall from God’s grace is not only a tale interpreted numerous times throughout literary history but is also the core historical beginning of the Christian faith. Within the first few pages of the Bible, people can read of a creative and loving God who crafted the universe and all life within it in only a few days. This same God took special care to then create man, the woman, and made them a lovely home within the Garden of Eden. It is this Garden of Eden that many Christians refer to as “Paradise.” This biblical tale has been repeated told and interpreted throughout history, such as in John Milton’s “Paradise Lost,” but one story takes these themes from the Adam and Eve story …show more content…

Fortunately for this interpretation of Hawthorne’s short story, the connection is blatantly stated for the readers closer towards the beginning of the story itself. After observing the absolute beauty found within Rappaccini’s garden, Giovanni rhetorically asks if this garden could be considered “the Eden of the present world” (Hawthorne 408). This line is vital to the interpretation that “Rappaccini’s Daughter” shares a strong parallel with the biblical story because this line directly alludes to Adam and Eve’s tale. In fact, what is especially interesting about this line is the wording for Giovanni does not say that Rappaccini’s garden is similar or like the biblical Garden of Eden. No, instead, Giovanni explicitly states that Rappaccini’s garden is the modern equivalent of the Garden of Eden. Thus, this line creates a solid link between “Rappaccini’s Daughter” and the Garden of Eden biblical tale. Readers can establish blatantly that there is a connection between the biblical story and Hawthorne’s short tale; Rappaccini’s garden isn’t just another beautiful garden, it is the modern version of the ancient Garden of Eden. From here, now that the connection has been explicitly made, one can interpret and view how the rest of the short story fits in or is pieced together with this biblical

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