What Is The Effects Of Teen Pregnancy?

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For reasons not entirely known, teen pregnancy rates have seen a drastic decline in recent years. The number of teens between ages 15-19 giving birth is about 24 births for every 1,000 teenage girls. Teen pregnancies are more than often unplanned and the effects it has can be detrimental to those involved. Teen pregnancy has a major impact on both the mother and baby, having a child during adolescence can lead to mental health conditions, poor physical health, and social challenges for the baby growing up and social challenges for the mother throughout the rest of her life.
The changes a woman’s body goes through during a pregnancy can have a huge effect on the mental state of the mother. For example, the stress the woman is faces can lead to many different psychological issues. These problems can have even more significant effects on teen mothers. The mental effects a pregnancy can lead to in a teen include depression, anxiety, a higher risk for postpartum depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder. These mental health conditions make the idea of becoming a parent even scarier and more difficult.
Depression and anxiety are very common mental illnesses among teen mothers. According to Pediatrics.aappublications.org, “rates of depression are estimated to be between 16% and 44%.” These rates occur in teen …show more content…

A few major physical effects can include; toxemia, anemia, birth complications, and death. Due to the lack of prenatal care for most teen mothers, physical challenges are much more common. The physical effects of teen pregnancy can have long lasting impacts for the mother or child. Premature births are extremely common for teenage mothers. Because of the lack of prenatal care, teen moms do not receive the vital nutrients they should be when carrying a child. This prenatal care could prevent many of the physical complications associated with teen mothers and their

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