What Is The Difference Between The Most Dangerous Game And High Noon

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High Noon and The Most Dangerous Game are both famous stories that every one loves to read or watch. Some people might disagree but in my opinion, High Noon and The Most Dangerous Game are practically the same, theme-wise. They are both about hunters being hunted; maybe not literally in High Noon but it is implied. In High Noon, Will Kane faces his "arch-enemy", Frank Miller who is trying to get revenge on him for sentencing him to death for murder but somehow got away and now is back for him. The Most Dangerous Game is literally a hunter getting hunted. Rainsford was on a boat when he fell off and into the water, swimming onto an island called "Ship-Trap". On that island Rainsford found a man who called himself General Zaroff but later finds out he hunts people that crash onto the island and call it a game rather a murder. These two stories are both intense but have multiple similarities for each other. …show more content…

In High Noon, when Amy and Kane were headed out he started to explain why he has to go back saying that, "What's a hundred miles, even? We'd never be able to keep that store, Amy. They'd come after us. We'd have to run again. Long as we live." And turned back to the town where he made it even worse for himself and his town. Than, in The Most Dangerous Game when Rainsford fell off the ship and found Ship-Trap Island, who Whitney said was, "a suggestive name, isn't it? Sailors have a curious dread to the place. I don't know why. Some superstition", he went around and ended up finding General Zaroff where during dinner said he enjoys hunting but lost interest in it and found another animal to hunt and explained to Rainsford what it is, asking him to hunt with him tomorrow although it wasn't much of a question than it was a command, "-I am to

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