Mere Christianity Chapter 4 Analysis

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While reading Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, one argument made in book four chapter three stood out further than any other argument. The work itself caused deeper thought about why Christianity makes more sense than any other religion. Throughout the course of this paper, I will first summarize the entire book to provide context, then explain the argument that stood out compared to the rest.
In book four, C.S. Lewis discusses how God can make a person a son of God, but that is different from the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Making means the creation of something that represents the creator but is not of the same kind as creator, and begetting is creating something that is of the same kind as the creator. God can make men into sons of God, but He begets Jesus as the Son of God. Jesus is the only Son God beget because He has always existed. Humans cannot become the same sons of God like Jesus. God could have begotten many sons, but since humans turned away from God, in the beginning, it has become a painful process. The free will God gave to all humans grants the ability to love God but also gives humans the ability to turn away from God. A man’s free will is the only blockade that can prevent God from working inside of him. …show more content…

However, Christ’s life on earth has no relationship to His life as God because His life as God is beyond all space and time (3). The world before the Son of God came to live on this earth is completely different from the world after Jesus died for the sins of mankind. The natural instinct of humans creates a desire for a sinful life because man only knew that lifestyle. However, Jesus set a perfect example for how all people should live their lives and the only action to take is to follow him. Jesus then died for the sins of all humanity and it is the responsibility of the individual to accept the salvation that Jesus offers.

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