What Is Survival In Life In The Life Of Pi

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The Life of Pi by Yann Martel, is a classic true story about a seventeen year old boy who finds himself in the middle of the ocean with no family and no company, except for a tiger named Richard Parker. Pi must do whatever it takes to survive, but not only off of brains or brawn, but also from the things he learned as he was growing up in India. Pi learned many things throughout his childhood, but there are three that he applies when on his journey that truly stand out and help him survive in the end. When Pi was young, he learned the importance of perseverance and endurance, things aren’t always as pleasant as they seem, and different species can find common ground and live in harmony if they try. At the age of seven, Pi was taught to swim …show more content…

There’s only so much a person can take when trying their best to survive. The mere stress of the situation can make people go crazy and even beg for an end to their suffering, causing them to make rash decisions. It's true, Pi had many terrible experiences. He often reflected on them and told about them throughout the story. Pi never let the situation get the best of him. He persisted and persisted and did all that he could just to live. And though he didn't swim because of the distance being too long, he used that endurance in another way. He took on whatever challenges came his way, but even when he thought all hope was lost, he never gave …show more content…

I couldn't be more wrong. Pi learned a lot of things back in India that he used when he was in the lifeboat. Without them, Pi most likely would've either cracked under pressure or died in some way or another. But no, he used quick thinking to make it through with his beliefs. The most notable of these beliefs is the importance of perseverance and endurance, things aren't always A's pleasant as they seem, and different species can live in harmony. Without these beliefs, there would be no story of the boy who survived the ocean with only a tiger for company. The Life of Pi wouldn't

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