What Is Skiing Essay

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Skiing is a winter sport that millions of people around the world enjoy, it has been changing since its origins. Skiing has a long history that has origins dating back longer than a majority of sports that still exist today even though its original purpose wasn’t for sport. Skiing has evolved from its origins. The technology of the skis and safety equipment are not only different, but are actually existent making the sport safer. In addition, the competitive aspects have changed from when it was first transformed into a sport to what it is today. Skiing has a deep history in northern Europe and Asia. The first signs of skis date back nearly 10,000 years ago where skis were used by hunters to follow fast moving herds across the retreating glaciers from the last ice age (Lund). Skis weren’t widely used at until about 4,000 years after that, where skis have been found over the arctic regions of Norway to northwestern Russia. Skiing has its first mention in literature by the Saami people in the 16th century. Also, there are signs Russian trappers brought skis to Alaska and northern Canada to expedited hunting. Then, in the 18th century the Scandinavian military begin using skis and had the first organized military competitions. Skiing first started showing signs of its transformation …show more content…

This is one of the newest forms of skiing introduced into the Olympics. This event takes place in an obstacle that resembles a pipe that has been cut in half, the average height of the vertical wall is 22 feet and the skiers can go out of the half pipe up to 26 feet. This makes the event dangerous because if the skier jumps too far off of the wall they can’t land back on the wall and instead they will fall straight to the base of the pipe having them land parallel to the ground from up to 48 feet in the air causing devastating trauma to their

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