What Is Piggy's Glasses Symbolize In Lord Of The Flies

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The last symbol that is important to the novel Lord Of The Flies are Piggy's glasses which symbolize science or creativity, but could also break your will when they're gone. Shortly after everyone meets they start to get jobs and say what they need, "Jack points suddenly ,' his specs use them as burning glasses'"(Golding 40). This is what the glasses give to the boys, creativity to make fire while using them as magnifying glasses to get a spark. If there wasn't any glasses it would take a long period of time to make a fire. After Jack split up form Ralph he stole Piggy's glasses, '" That's them', said Piggy.' They blinded me'"(Golding 150). Piggy can no longer see because his glasses are stolen which leads to Jack being more superior. Piggy

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