What Is Oskar Schindler's List Film Symbolism

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Schindler’s List directed by Steven Spielberg is included in the list of the 100 greatest films of all time. The epic production took place in Kraków, Poland in 1993. The 3 hours-and-16-minute work of art is an adaptation of the historical novel written by the Australian author Thomas Keneally. Schindler’s List relies on the fabulous 1982 book Schindler’s Ark which tells the real-life story of Oskar Schindler, a Catholic German industrialist who saw World War II as the perfect chance to become a millionaire, but ended up penniless while saving the lives of more than 1,100 Jewish people.
Early on, Jews in Kraków, Poland, during World War II had been forced by the Germans from their homes and required to crowd into a 16-block ghetto. Oskar Schindler …show more content…

In all these cases, shooting in color meant life and hope. The color scenes and many other detailed shots stand for what is called “symbolism”. For instance, the little girl wearing the loudest red coat and walking with no concern among the killing and horror represents the innocence of the Jewish people being slaughtered, and some minutes later the same girl dead and lying on other dead bodies on a cart, ready to be cremated, means the loss of innocence and hope. The red color also symbolizes the red flag that Jews used to ask for help from the Allied powers during WWII.
The score for Schindler’s List was composed by John Williams. The music connects the audience so perfectly with the theme that it is easy to feel the pain of the Jews firsthand. Even the silence in some scenes is used to transmit the utterly despicable violence, implying there are no words to describe the unfair slaughter. Every speech and comment is unique. The script and dialogue not only contribute to the development and clear understanding of the plot, but they go so much deeper and really focus on making the viewers think about what is going

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