My Father Research Paper

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One of my childhood memories, that I never ever thought would happen, unfortunately resulted in fear, loss, and sadness. My mom and dad decided it would be best if they got a divorce. It was the most shocking thing I had ever heard. I watched a couple of my closest friends have this happen to their family, but I never thought I would be in the same situation. I never thought the day would come where my mom and dad didn 't love each other anymore. Or to go back: My mom and dad would always tell me these amazing stories of how they met or the fun times they had growing their relationship together. These stories would make me wish I could have a love like they had just once in my life. My mom and dad both served in the United States Air Force and that is also where they met. My mom was a nurse in the emergency room and my dad worked on the flight line. My dad is very clumsy, and while he was working on a jet, he cut his finger very badly. He showed up to the emergency room where my mom was working and it just so happened he went into the room that was covered by my mom. They hit it off and were together ever since. …show more content…

I feel that you need to have a really strong connection in both respects. My mom and dad were best friends. When I tell you that they rarely fought, I mean it! My mom would tell me, the amount of arguments they had she could count them on one hand. My parents would do literally everything together! Since they were both in the Air Force, they had a lot of mutual friends. They would always have cook outs or parties at each others houses, so any outings my parents were invited to, they would go together. Just like I said before, I always wished that one day I could have something with someone like my parents

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