What Is Golf The Hardest Sport

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Golf is a very popular sport all over the world the game of Golf is played outdoors on a large open range course. The objective is to put a ball into a hole in with the least amount of strokes possible by using golf clubs. Golf can be played by people of all abilities and ages. Golf can either be played individually or with teams, it can be very competitive or it can just be a to have fun. There are many people that are familiar with golf. Many people enjoy the game of golf. You might think golf is an easy sport? Golf is one of the most difficult sport played in the world. Golf has many benefits that reflect on you and the game.

Golf is one of the most difficult sports ever played. There are many factors on how to swing the club and how to hold the club, one little thing could mess up your entire swing. Most people consider hiring a skilled player to provide lessons. Lessons are recommended for almost all player. Clothing equipment is important, shoes should be considered an option if playing golf the perks about having golf shoes are the spikes for good traction on terrain and it limit the amount your feet slide. They are also good when swinging at the ball they provide a midfoot support because after swinging a clubs you end up on the balls on your feet. Golfing gloves are used by many players around the work they provide a limited amount of grip which can be very important when playing they can also keep your hands warm in cold …show more content…

Golfing is a good for your brain. Doctors have told patients to go play a game of golf after a stressful day, due to the pleasure of walking in an open range environment. Before Golfing everyone should consider stretching it is very important for your muscles. Even though golfing is the lowest sport to get hurt it muscles are still very easy to pull. A good way to help your muscle when it's pulled is to ice it and stretch a few times a

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