What Is Freeskiing Essay

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Freeskiing Information Essay

All of you know what skiing is right? You pick your level trail and ski down gaining speed and stopping frequently. Most beginners and older people are attracted to this style of skiing aka alpine skiing. People like me and a small percentage of skiers veer into a style called freeskiing. Freeskiing, or new school skiing, is a specific type of alpine skiing that involves tricks, jumps, and terrain park features, such as rails, boxes, jibs, or other obstacles. This form of skiing resulted from the growth of snowboarding combined with the progression of freestyle skiing. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freeskiing) This sport is much different than normal skiing because of the risk of injury and techniques it takes to master it.
I never thought I would like it when I was so young because it is a difficult sport, but after a few years I fell in love with it. I continued mastering the sport util I was around 14 years old, then I transitioned to freestyle skiing. At this point in time, I was addicted skiing. I watched ski edits in school, out of school basically every minute of the day. Skiing has such a huge impact on me I even tried to make a ski park in my backyard. Since I could usually only venture to the mountain on weekends, I wondered if I could I turn my snowy backyard into a ski park. It already had the shape of a ski hill: there was a path I envisioned using to gain speed and there were stairs you could use as a kicker. I called a few of my neighbors over, explained my idea, and convinced them to help create this park. We skied down the track to pack the snow, then we placed the jumps and PVC rails. We used water to freeze parts of the course in place and I delegated tasks in order to complete the project quickly. We built upon the course throughout the winter and it worked so well, we rebuilt it every winter after.

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