What Is Forest Gump Symbolism

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The movie I watched to "read" the movie like a professor was Forest Gump. Throughout the movie, I noticed several concepts from How to Read Literature Like a Professor within the movie. Those concepts were It's Never Just Heart Disease...And Rarely Just Illness, It's all Politcal, Flights of Fancy, Every Trip is a Quest (Except When It's not), Is That a Symbol?, Is He Serious? And Other Ironies, and It's More Than Just Rain or Snow. ⦁ It's Never Just Heart Disease...And Rarely Just Illness: Forest Gump has a crooked spine in the beginning of the movie, because his childhood is crooked, Lietenat Dan has lost his leg in war, which is him losing part of himself and becoming bitter and jealous of the success of others for some time, especially …show more content…

Forest begins the movie through talking about how different types of shoes describes different types of people and their experiences, and so Forest goes through the story describing each part of his life through the different types of shoes that he wore. Forest Gumps name symbolises how some people can do the worst things for no reason at all. The shrimp that Bubba keeps going on and on about symbolises Bubbas life, and so when Bubba says to forest on how they should start up a shrimp company together, Bubba is allowing Forest to completely entire his life, and become an adopted brother of types.Vietnam represents all the struggles that people have to go through in life. Forest Gump also says that some of the finest men were in the army, and so that may be a metaphor that bad things happen to good people. Forests letters to Jenny is his affection towards Jenny, and so all the letters forest sends to Jenny is his love, and when Jenny does nt reply to those letters, Jenny is basically rejecting Forests love and protection over her. Also when Forest gets shot in the bum, it basically mirrors the saying "bite you in the bum," it signifies how Forests decision to join the army had some serious consequences. Ping Pong in signifies....When Forrest is about to begin his speech about Vietnam in Washington, another …show more content…

Also Forest is living through all these important events and he is meeting all these important people, but he does not realize the sinificance of any of it. Forest then gets a pamphlet to join the army straight out of graduation, and so forest joins and he is considered a genius in the army, though all he does is do what is told to be done. Forest Gump is also given his name through his relation from the founder of the KKK, but Forest could not be more different from the leader, as Forest is portrayed as too stupid and innocent to hate anybody or anything. Forest Gump believes that Jenny's dream had come true by being a folk singer, but in reality Jenny was singing in a type of strip club. Forest Gump feels glad that Leitenant dan is his leader, even though his ancestors died in every single war. Forest goes through some serious irony through his experience in the army, because by the end of his experience, it is expcected that he is bitter and has lost his innocence, but Forest is still forest, meaning he is still helping people and he is still a symbol for good without even knowing it. When Lietenant Dan asks Forrest if he knows how it feels not to be able to walk with your legs, and Forrest says yes, Lietenant Dan was not expecting that answer because most people do not realize that most people have suffered quite a

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