What Is Domestic Injustice

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When you say the word ‘injustice’ many things may pop into your head. One of which may be domestic violence. This is when one is abused within their household. An injustice is something that is unfair or not right. I think that domestic violence falls right into that definition. It is completely and utterly horrifying that somebody would be scared to go home because they knew that their spouse, sibling, child, or other family member was waiting for them. I believe that the abuser always thinks that there is a reason to do what they are doing. But that doesn’t make it right. Nothing ever will. There was a very famous case of domestic violence that took place not so long ago that pretty much every football fan knows about. Famous Ravens player Ray Rice was caught dragging his fiancée’s …show more content…

Day after day, someone could be suffering because of it. And guess what? It is extremely hard to leave after the abuse has started because their abuser threatens to go to extreme measures if they were to leave. Some of these may include murder and homicide. Eventually, the stress may build up and they may find themselves having suicidal thoughts. All that it would take was one call, and everything could be fixed for them. I honestly don’t think someone could recover from violence like that, but the best thing that they could do is leave. Hopefully, once they do, they will have love and support from friends and other family waiting for them. The worst part is, sometimes there is no happy ending. The suffering goes on and on. This is quite sad because, in the end, there was nothing they could do. It wasn’t their fault. All of that could have happened because of one person. And that one person caused a loss for all of the victim’s friends and families. It is terrible, yet it happens. It all points towards 4 simple words that hardly anyone ever admits. Nobody ever stopped

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