What Is Bubblegum?

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Did you know the real reason bubblegum’s original color was pink is because when Walter E. Diemer was looking for a color to put in the gum, the only color around the factory was pink? (Ament, 2007) Also, what is bubblegum and why can you blow bubbles with it? The properties of the gum cause and make it possible for the gum to stretch and form a bubble. What is Gum When we chew gum, we are basically chewing rubber. Gum started out as latex sap from a tree (the sapodilla). The tree grew in Central America, and the sap we chewed was called chicle. Chicle has the same properties as rubber, because it doesn’t break down when we chew it. Later, after World War II, scientists found a way to create something called synthetic rubber. Synthetic rubber is still similar to chicle because it still doesn’t break down when you chew it, but it isn’t natural like chicle is. (How Stuff Works, 2000… April 1st) Creation of Bubblegum …show more content…

Unfortunately, the material wasn’t strong enough and the bubble would break to easily. Also, the gum seemed wet or soggy. Walter E. Diemer was the first official creator of bubblegum. When he was in his 20’s, young Diemer worked for the Fleer Chewing Gum Company. Just for fun, he was trying out a new gum recipe when he created a totally new kind of gum, it was more flexible than normal chewing gum, and you could blow a bubble with it. Then, he lost the recipe, and it took him many months to figure it out again. (Rosenberg, 2017…October

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