What Is An Example Of Formalism In A Wife's Story

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The theory most prevalent in “a wife's story” is formalism. Formalism is a theory that states that every thing we need to know about the text is in the text, and that we need no outside knowledge about the time period or the author. “A wife’s story” is about a wolf that turns into a man by night. Throughout the story it does not tell you that he is a wolf, but if you use close reading ,which is a part of formalizm, you can find clues in the story hinting towards the fact that he is a wolf. Throughout the story the author leaves little hints throughout the text that the husband in the story is a wolf and not a person. Example number one is “he was just larking along” (1 Guin). It uses the word larking which is to do something in a playful manner. …show more content…

Another example is “it’s something that runs in his blood” (1 Guin). When you talk about a human you usually talk about the genetical make up and their DNA but they said runs in his blood which people usually say when talking about an animal of some sorts. Which makes you think why the author decided to word it the way they worded it. “It made my hair stand up on end” (2 Guin). When you are talking about humans you say it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up but the author said the hair implying that the wife was covered in hair. “What are those smells on you “ (2 Guin). If the author was describing a human he would just say you smell bad but the author described it as multiple smells. Wolfs also have a heightened sense of smell, so they would be able to pick out multiple smells easily. “And i saw what he saw. I saw the changing. In his feet, it was first. They got long, each foot go longer ,stretched out, the toes stretched out and the foot getting long and fleshy and white. And no hair on them” (2 Guin). First if he was changing to a human to an animal there is a good chance his feet would have gotten

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