What Is A Rose For Emily Grierson's Idea Of Reality

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In Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily” he explores the concepts of one’s difficulty accepting reality, relationships, and illusions. The story revolves around these topics but particularly surrounding a woman named Miss Emily Grierson. Miss Emily Grierson like many doesn’t like change but she has a difficult time when it comes to accepting reality so much so that she actually poisons a man and lays beside his dead body. She was raised by her over-protective father Colonel Satoris who also happened to be the Mayor in Jefferson which was the city in which they lived in. She never ended up marrying anyone while her father was alive because her father managed to scare the boys away. We assume she actually marries Homer Barron whom was a foreman for the construction company because she buys a toilet set with the initials H.B. engraved on it. He was one of the very few men to actually enter her house from the community after her father’s death besides her slave. Miss Emily didn’t have a relationship with the community because she chose to stay confined to her house and rarely leave it. Some might say that because she rarely leaves her house it causes her to have certain illusions. For example, she says that she has no taxes in Jefferson and to see Colonel Satoris and she told the ladies that her father was not dead. From that point on they would just let her get by without paying for …show more content…

Our reality changes all the time that sometimes it can be hard to accept certain realities like the death of a loved one. We get used to seeing our loved ones so often that when they are gone it doesn’t seem real. Death causes many emotions like anger and sadness but we pick up the pieces and move on. In Emily’s case she couldn’t accept the possibility of another man leaving her so she poisoned Homer with arsenic and would lay next to him. 4 - Charlotte Perkins Gilman “The Yellow

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