What Does The Meteor Symbolize In The Scarlet Letter

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Chapter 11 (XI)

1. Chillingworth plans to destroy Dimmesdale and make him suffer every single day. He wants to hurt him mentally so he goes through more than just the guilt he is already suffering from and to cause him more pain. He will turn into his biggest enemy. This is all because he found out that Dimmesdale is Pearl’s father and the one Hester betrayed him with. He loved Hester and wanted her to be his but she went and loved another man, which was Dimmesdale.

2. Dimmesdale sensed that there was something evil lurking around him, something that was causing him trouble, but he couldn’t figure out what it was. He doubted the old physician a few times due to his slightly strange and questionable acts. However, he ignored all his doubts and fears of Chillingworth. He continued to talk with him as though there was nothing wrong. Dimmesdale believed that his guilt was causing his sickness as well as him to distrust and fear everyone. He continued his normal attitude and discussions with Chillingworth believing his doubts to be false.

3. Dimmesdale’s gift is his voice. He has so much power and inspiration in his voice that everyone immediately wants to follow him and listen to what he says. People trust him very quickly and confide in him for advice. …show more content…

The meteor symbolizes the scarlet letter. When Hester walked out of her jail room with the “A” on her chest, everyone immediately looked at it. It was burning brightly against everything else and seemed to draw all eyes. The meteor lit up everything against the dark cloudy night sky as well. It appeared as if Dimmesdale, Hester, and Pearl “stood in the noon”, which Pearl had persisted about. She wanted Dimmesdale to stand with them and join her in their public shaming that she and Hester went through everyday. The meteor lit up everything as if it was daylight, just what Pearl was asking for. The meteor was representing Hester and Dimmesdale’s sin. Some of the townspeople even said that it looked like a burning

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