What Does Running Mean To Me

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Running The last time I did not run for consecutive days, was during Middle School. Running has been a very powerful tool for me, and the joy it brings is something I carry. As a person who has an unhealthy amount of anxiety in my life, running has been an outlet for me. Whenever I feel anxious or stressed out, I run. There are two ways running brings me relief; the first is it is an immediate distraction from whatever is bothering me. In addition, running also gives me a “runner's high” after I run. While this may seem unimaginable, it is actually very real because the pleasure of finishing a workout has few parallels. After I run, for the rest of the day, my mood is elevated. For example, this past summer was very stressful, but because of running I was able to get through it. Later in the summer I was working from nine in the morning, to five in the afternoon, at a job I did not enjoy. Furthermore, I also had to plan my Eagle Scout Project with people that barely knew how to work their phones. I had offered to design and create a path behind the Presbyterian Church, but this was easier said than done. As if these two things weren’t stressful …show more content…

This goes back to the fact that running is a distraction from the things that cause me stress. Whenever I run, all my attention shifts towards myself. I think about moving my legs, soreness, and how fast I am going. This allows for myself to have a very clear mind, and I have come to realize I make my best decisions while running. For instance, when choosing my classes last year, I decided to take AP Economics despite having an already rigorous curriculum. However, looking back on it, this was the right decision because I am doing well in the class and business is something that interests me in the future. If I had made this decision while stressed out, I would have probably made the safer, and less ambitious choice to not take AP

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