What Does It Mean To Be A Parent

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The word “Parent” comes from a late middle English, old-French, and Latin root from the 1660s. The definition for parent “V: be or act as a mother or father to (someone)”, I like the manner since the child picks whether the individual deserves the right of a mother or father role in their life. A parent is an individual who obtains that responsibility to take care of a child. The child presents the title “parent” to a worthy individual, though a biological Mother or Father cannot declare the right of a parent if they haven't earned it. The individual that exits the responsibility of a child with no concern of coming back losses the “title” to become a parent. If an individual replaces the father or mother figure and takes care of the child they may have the title to become a parent. However, if the person that left a child and comes back by another individuals influence, that person can not demand the right as a parent. Its up to the child to determine whether the Father or Mother can be earned back. Although some exceptions are, if the child has been stripped away from its parents, and an affair which isn't his father or mother, though, they’ll do anything …show more content…

Taking care of a child is a complicated job, if an individual neglects the child, they shouldn't be able to take that responsibility of a parent, period! As a result, if a parent neglects the care of a teenager, it can inspire the teenager into developing unacceptable habits such as hanging around with suspicious individuals, cutting class, drinking, and smoking. However, if a parent takes care of a teenager, it can lead to acceptable results such as, the teenager having a stable mind, building trust with the parents, and building a role model for teenager to look up to. In conclusion, taking care of a child is a difficult responsibility, but if an individual wants to obtain “parent”, it’ll come in no

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