What Does Integrity Mean To Me

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To have integrity means to do the right thing when nobody’s watching. To show honesty and be respectful. I feel that is is important to show integrity when you are aspiring to be a leader, but sometimes it is hard to show integrity when your emotions take over. Occording to Psychology Today, 80% of the choices Americans make are drivin through emotions. Though emotions drive are desicions, sometimes are emotions will drive us in the right direction and help us persue integrity. It is important to have integrity while being aleader because as a leader, people look up to you and your position. If your a leader without integrity, you are giving them a bad leader. If you are a leader you need to give confidense to the people you lead and show them that you …show more content…

It shows that you can be real with people. Your not afraid to share the truth at the right time even if it is hard to do. Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is watching, but not all the time. It is good to be trained to know what to do when know one is watching but sometimes people slip. Sometimes you might make a miskate or a wrong step, but that’s ok. So having integrity does not always mean to always be perfect. Having integrity does mean that you have a strong enough character inside of you and to learn from your mistakes. It also means to keep finding yourself in your actions. One person in my life that shws integrity is my dad. My dad show integrity becuase he keeps his promeses and does what he is supposed to do. For my dad’s work he has lots of projects he has to finish deadlines. One time my dad showed integrity was when there was a project do at the end of the week and he had a big portion of the project to finsh. I asked my dad if he could help me with my homework, I did not know he was busy. He said sure, so he took a break of an important project that was due soon and went out of his way to help

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