What Does Esperanza Find Shameful Or Burdensome About Her Name

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The House on Mango Street Group Essay Questions 3. "My Name" What does Esperanza find shameful or burdensome about her name? Why might Cisneros have chosen this name for her protagonist? “In Spanish, it means too many letters. It means sadness, it means waiting. It is like the number line. A muddy color. It is the Mexican records my father plays on Sunday mornings when he is shaving, songs like sobbing” (10). Esperanza says herself in Spanish her name has more of a sorrow meaning. Since her name means this, it makes sense to see why she has a problem with it. Also, “Esperanza” was her great-grandmother's name. It is said that she lived most of her life in sadness so this adds to the meaning and mood of the story. Going along with that, she …show more content…

You can tell that she is older and more mature by the way her voice changes throughout the three chapters “And Some More,” “The Family of Little Feet,” and “Chanclas.” “The Eskimos got thirty different names for snow… And clouds got at least ten different names” (35-36). This example from “And Some More” shows her immaturity during this period of her life. The grammar she uses shows how she is in a younger less mature stage of her life. Using “got” instead of have is a sign of younger age and immaturity. “Today we are Cinderella because our feet fit exactly” (40). This other early account of Esperanza’s life in “The Family of Little Feet” shows her liking herself. Specifically what she says in that she likes or is okay with the size of her own feet. It also shows how she does not really care how she looks or what she wears. “What about the shoes?... Everybody laughing except me, because I'm wearing… the old saddle shoes I wear to school” (46-47). This excerpt from “Chanclas” helps show a change in voice through that she has changed into consciously thinking about how she looks. What this change in voice shows is that she has become older. “I open up and she’s… got the socks and a new slip with a little rose on it and a pink-and-white striped dress. Her voice within this shows that she has matured since “And Some More” as well as “The Family of Little Feet” because she is using …show more content…

This is shown when Esperanza is talking to the sisters and the sisters say “When you leave you must remember to come back for the others. A circle, understand? You will always be Esperanza. You will always be Mango street…. You must remember to come back. For the ones who cannot leave as easily as you” (105). This how the children of Mango street will become the adults of Mango Street because they will never leave and fly away as Esperanza dreamed. The children will all stay put because they, unlike Esperanza, don’t work to change their status. They stay stationary demonstrated by the Vargas family when Nenny isn’t allowed to play with them because they are bad. This negative idea is shown when Cisneros writes, “She cannot play with those Vargas kids or she will turn out just like them” (8). These kids are bad, unlike Esperanza they lack loving parents and do not care enough to change. This shows how the fate of the children is inevitable because the circle if no steps in to stop the rotation through care and nurturing it will never stop and will just continue to rotate ruining lives. Esperanza sets an example for how the other kids of Mango Street can shape their own futures by that she gets her own house and decides that she will leave to go somewhere better. “A house all my own” (108). Esperanza getting a house for

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