What Do I Have A Dream Mean To Me

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I hope you have time from your busy schedule to read my letter. I have always admired your courage and perseverance in defending your ideals and the people's rights. Since I was a little girl with pigtails, I watched your speeches at school thinking about how brave you are and the impact of your actions to the world. When I was in eighth grade, your 1963 speech "I have a dream" totally changed my way of thinking. In those moments, it had been two years since my grandmother passed away, taking me into a deep depression. Unfortunately, I showed my pain through bad behavior, low grades, among other negative actions. After seeing your speech, I reflected "This behavior is what my grandmother wanted for me?" "She would be proud if I kept moving forward with my life and achieved my goals." Your career as a visionary leader has changed the …show more content…

The hard struggle you fought for the rights of your African-American brothers and your dreams for the future taught us never to give up.You had a dream, which even knowing the consequences it could bring, you said out loud. Sometimes, society makes us think that dreaming is useless and that we should live from reality. But how to live if you do not have a vision of your future? What purpose would our life have if we do not have aspirations? Dreaming is essential for our personal and work success. Dreamers are great leaders and you are an example of that. We should not restrain ourselves from dreaming nor remain silent. Although you knew perfectly well that your cause was not popular nor accepted in the first instance, you were always committed to your vision. You did not tolerate seeing how they were discriminated against and considered inferior only because they had a different skin color even when it was considered culturally correct.The commitment to your cause to stop the American segregation and racial discrimination brought recognition and awareness to the rights of African-Americans . It is

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