What Can Israel Be Like In The Next 50 Years

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What I hope Israel will be like in the next 50 years
What if the state that the Jewish people built still survives in 50 years. What if Israel helps to get rid of the horrific things that happen in the middle east, such as slavery, and terrorism. Imagine Israel being a perfect country with no issues. Good morning Ms.Cosman, and 6c. Today I am going to talk about what I hope Israel will be like in the next 50 years. It is important that Israel makes peace with other countries, saves and trades for water , and donates more money to the poor people of Israel and the people of the kibbutzim.

To begin, peace is a massive reason why countries get along very well. For example, Israel has made peace with other countries such as Egypt, and Jordan. Although Israel has made peace with some countries they haven’t made peace with every country, Israel needs to make peace with a country like Syria, or Lebanon. Also, Israel has been in many wars, for example the six day war, and the war of independence. Moving on, many people in the world care about peace, Israel has symbols with a bird carrying the olive branch that is a sign of peace. Bob Marley once said “ We need to love one another, live in peace, and in …show more content…

Did you know that 2,000 families in Israel lose their homes every year. Most are foreigners, something that Israelis did was they built small homes on Rothschild boulevard in Israel.Israel is a middle class country so if the economy is good Israel will be a first class country. Also, People could buy houses and get more food for families or donate it the homeless. In addition, many Israelis live together in a kubitz and share everything, if Israelis get more money for the kibbutzim they can share more items. To end off, Homeless people in Israel would be able to live in a decent house with the money that they have in Israel and the kibbutzim would have money to buy items for the people of the

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