What Being Tall Mean To Me

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What Being Tall Means to Me For me, being tall is something that is engrained in every single cell of my being. In my case, my height is due to two completely different causes. The first reason for my tallness is that my father is 6’3”. Having a father this tall was mostly likely going to mean that I would not be petite. The second reason for my height was that I was also born with a genetic disorder called Trisomy X. This means I have an extra x chromosome. With this chromosome anomaly typically comes an extra couple of inches of height. Tall dad, plus extra X chromosome equates to my being six inches taller than my mother and nearly a foot taller than most of my cousins. I consider my height to be one of my super powers which I …show more content…

As a 5th grader, I was the tallest person at my elementary school. This included the teachers, janitors and administrators. Often, kids and other parents would mistake me for one of the teachers. This is one of my favorite perks of being tall. People always seem to take those of us who are tall more seriously. Perhaps it’s our position of power, looking down upon others, or it’s because we naturally look a bit more mature and “serious”; but I find I’m initially treated with a higher level of respect than my shorter peers. Being nearly 6’ tall has its advantages. Crowds aren’t as loathsome because I stand above most people. Not only do I not get buried in the hustle, but I’m easily spotted and can look above the heads to find where I’m going. Because of this, I’m usually assigned the job of “navigator” when travelling in groups. Once I enter the workforce, this super power may even help me earn more money. Studies have shown that tall people earn more than their shorter counterparts. As an environmental science major, I plan to spend much of my time outdoors. My extra height will help me functionally while I work to create sustainable gardens; as I won’t need a ladder as often to assess the health of my

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