What Are The Three Major Sociological Paradigms

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The three major sociological paradigms are conflict, functionalist, symbolic interactionism. The Conflict Theory states that issues such as race, gender, social class, criminal justice, and international relations is a macro orientation because it studies how the struggle for resources embraces society together(Pg.60 Think Sociology). A paradigm is a theoretical framework through which scientists study the world (Pg. 6 Think Sociology). Functionalism views society as a system of interrelated parts is a macro orientation because it studies exactly how social structures affect how a society works (Pg.60). The third paradigm is the symbolic interactionism, believes the root of society comes from its symbols society is fluid, meaning it is constantly in the process of change because the symbols we use and their interpretations change. Disputes arise when people do not share the same definitions of symbols. (Pg.60 Think Sociology book) Therefore in chapter 13. The Think Sociology Book is about Crime and the Legal System and in what manner, do societies answer back to crime and deviance. To begin we have to know what a crime is, and what is considered a crime. For …show more content…

So to Merton crime will erupt because of the pursuit of the American dream is obstructed for some people. Therefore people must adapt. (Pg.238 Think Sociology) Functionalism claims that deviance helps create collective stability by presenting justifications of non-normative and normative behaviors. More or less key points of deviance in society is that the situation creates understanding to interference and recalibration of society. Therefore some see deviance allows groups to unite around their worldview, sometimes targeted by way of deviant. Being marked s deviating can essentially sustain solidarity within the marked community as per members take immodesty and proprietorship of their stigmatized

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