What Are The Similarities Between Winston Churchill And Queen Elizabeth

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Winston Churchill versus Queen Elizabeth Queen Elizabeth and Winston Churchill both had the same objective at hand when giving their powerful speeches, to protect their country from harm. They both used their speeches as a way to motivate their people. Both Churchill and Queen Elizabeth connected with their people on an emotional level to persuade the people that were going to fight for their country alongside them. In Winston Churchill’s speech he directs it more to the House of Commons, while Queen Elizabeth directs it to the British Army. When Winston Churchill became Prime Minister of England, it was during the beginning of the Second World War. After he gave his famous speech “Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat”, most of the reactions to his audience were divided among the audience he was giving it to. His speech was so motivating and persuasive because of his strong usage of rhetorical devices. He repeats questions throughout his speech to make the people he is speaking to really think about what he is asking. Churchill directs his speech more to the House of Commons than he did to anyone else. He wants his audience to understand what he is saying and show them that he has what it takes to lead his country to a victory. When Queen Elizabeth gave her speech, it was during the war between England …show more content…

They use these battles as a way to prove to their country that they are both worthy leaders and are not afraid to die. They both use emotion as a way to get a certain reaction from their audience. Both want their audience to feel a sense of patriotism for their country and to trust them throughout the wars. Both use their rhetorical devices as a way to motivate and inspire their audiences. They both displayed confidence in their speeches to make their audience believe them and to trust them as

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