What Are The Similarities Between Lord Of The Flies And The Hunger Games

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In the novels Lord of the Flies and The Hunger Games, the settings are both alike and opposing. First of all, the environments are depicted as secluded, deserted forests with numerous resources in the surrounding area. The settings also have the characters fight for survival by having to hunt for food and search the unknown territory for beneficial resources. In The Hunger Games, the selected tributes are all struggling to survive the games, as the boys are striving to remain alive and be rescued in Lord of the Flies. On the other hand, Lord of the Flies and The Hunger Games have differentiating senses of their surrounding settings. First, in Lord of the Flies the group of British school boys did not expect themselves to be plane wrecked onto a remote island as they were orderly and well mannered young …show more content…

However, there was a training process for each tribute, as they were able to develop helpful skills and learn the tactics of the games thanks to their mentors and assistants.The boys of Lord of the Flies had to develop ways to survive without any knowledge of hunting or camping, but they were able to use their knowledge of books and information their parents had shared with them to allow them to live. As for the tributes, they were taught exclusively how to fight, kill, and hunt, as well as appear reasonable to sponsors so outside resources could be flown in. Secondly, the tributes of The Hunger Games had contact with the outside world, and the young boys of Lord of the Flies did not. In the games, the Capitol, along with all of the districts, were able to watch the gruesome struggle for survival among the young adults. Although, on the island, the abandoned British school boys have no form of contact with their families or any other outside source. Clearly, there were distinct similarities and differences between the settings of the two

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