What Are The Similarities Between Jekyll And Hyde

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“With every day, and from both sides of my intelligence, the moral and the intellectual, I thus drew steadily nearer to the truth by whose partial discovery I have been doomed to such a dreadful shipwreck: that man is not one, but truly two”(Stevenson 42-43). According to Robert Louis Stevenson in his piece of literature and its them in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde there are two sides to a human mind. Stevenson beliefs that the human being has two sides, the good and the evil and how one is always more dominant than the other, either that be the good or evil. This belief is shown through one of the major character, Henry Jekyll, and what drove him to create the potion, to what extent he went to hyde his other side, and the …show more content…

To start with, when Hyde killed Sir Danvers for no apparent reason he went through with writing a letter in Hyde's name, “ “Well sir” returned the clerk, “there's a rather singular resemblance; the two hands are in many points identical: only differently sloped”(Stevenson 21). When Hyde murdered Sir. Danvers Hyde had to go into hiding and for no one to go looking for him Jekyll goes on and writes a letter on Hydes behalf saying that he will not be found and forever be in hiding and gives it to Mr. Utterson. Although, Utterson found it suspicious that it was not mailed but rather received personally, so he goes to a specialist and finds out it is Jekyll's handwriting at another angel. Additionally, another length that Jekyll went through to keep Hyde in the dark was by isolating himself, “On the 12th, and again on the 14th, the door was shut against the lawyer….On the 15th , he tried again and was again refused…… he found his return of solitude to weigh upon his spirit” (Stevenson 22). After Hyde had gone into hiding Jekyll went back to his old self and hanged out with his two friends, but when the side of him that he tried to repress, which is Hyde, came back into the picture he went back to isolating himself and shutting out everyone. Nevertheless, the lengths that Jekyll had to go through to hide Hyde , …show more content…

One example, of what consequences Jekyll had to pay for because of his other side, Hyde, was losing a childhood friends, “ “ I have had a great shock,” he said, “and I shall never recover. It is a question of weeks” (Stevenson 23). The consequence that Jekyll faced was that one of his childhood friend is dead because of him. When Hyde went to retrieve the drawer from Lanyon, the truth was revealed, Hyde and Jekyll were both the same person. This truth was too much for Lanyon therefore he died a few weeks later of the shock. Another example of what consequences Jekyll had to face for hiding Hyde was his own death, “Right in the midst there lay the body of a man sorely contorted and still twitching. They drew near on tiptoe, turned it on his back, and beheld the face of Edward Hyde” (Stevenson 33). The biggest consequence that Jekyll had to deal with was payed with the death of himself. At the time that the body of Edward Hyde was found on the floor of jekyll's laboratory, it was not known that it was actually Jekyll who died as well. Hydes side that he controled got bigger and more dominant leading for higher dosages of the potion but in the end it did no good, he was stuck as Hyde and for that he decided he'd rather die. Nonetheless, it is seen through the consequences that Jekyll had to face, that there are two sides to all

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