What Are The Pros And Cons Of Indigenous Decolonization

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Before reading this chapter, I moderately thought colonization was something of the past. However, I learned quite quickly this is our reality. I am sure some agree with me when I say why it has to even exist. If colonization did not exist, colonizers would have no process that would help them maintain their social, political and economic power. Governor General Michaelle Jean once said, “When the present does not recognize the wrongs of the past, the future takes revenge, for that reason, we must never turn away from the opportunity of confronting history together the opportunity to right a historical wrong”. I find this quote to be quite powerful. I agree with Hart when he reflects that through education that Canadians can help heal Indigenous youth and children to find their way back to their roots and traditions. Education can implement the future by providing success not only for the individuals involved but also for the society in which they belong to. Indigenous Decolonization is a process where Indigenous people’s lives got completely flipped around. “To thrive in this colonial environment, we, Indigenous peoples, have little choice but to participate in academic endeavours that either devalue or do …show more content…

The most important aspect of First Nations is storytelling. Storytelling may be a form of confrontation to colonization but it gives Aboriginal individuals stamina. The spirit that comes from the storytelling is what is important. The spirit of Aboriginal stories is what makes them who they are because it contains appreciation of their ancestors and culture. It is not hard to miss the injustice that is given to the indigenous in our world. However, I do not understand how people are missing the big picture: Canada was built as a colonial country and that it is, in fact, still colonial in many

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