What Are The Major Problems Facing Rwanda Today

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The ongoing problem in Rwanda is one that cannot be ignored. The amount of disease and lack of resources is outrageous. In the article, Major Problems Facing Rwanda Today, They talk about how the people have a problem with Malaria, Chollera, and Tuberculosis. These diseases are treatable and can be helped, but they don’t have the resources necessary to treat them and help get rid of it. They can’t afford the medicine or things they need to prevent them because they can barely afford to keep their families fed. These people can be helped by donating these things to prevent and treat people for the diseases that are spreading there. I believe that Rwanda can build a stable community with the right amount of help that they need to get themselves …show more content…

In the article, Genocide in Rwanda, it talks about how Rwanda went through a genocide in 1994 that was composed of the ethnic groups Hutu, Tutsi and the Twa. The genocide started when the plane carrying President Habyarimana, was shot down. The Hutu retaliated to the Tutsu for killing their president and on April 6, 1994, 800,000 men and women in Rwanda were murdered which totaled about 3 quarters of the Tutsi population and thousands of Hutu for opposing the killing campaign that was going on. The end number was estimated anywhere from 500,000 people to 1,000,000 people that had been killed. Rwanda is still recovering from this and it really crippled their society and country. Although their government was responsible for the creation and destruction of the genocide, we can still help the people that were victims of this and now live in the aftermath of the Genocide as they did not carry out the Genocide, they were simply civilians of the country. We can still help the people that are suffering due to their governments …show more content…

That is why we tried to make it so they pay for the supplies and we send it or just have the company send it. That way we never see any money we just send supplies over that people order and send to us, to send over to Rwanda. Another objection to our proposal might be that we aren’t sending enough of a variety of supplies, or that we didn’t give variety of medicine. It isn’t easy to find someone to sell these kind of antibiotics because people could take advantage of that and abuse those meds so it would have to be set up with the company itself and talk to the food and drug administration. I believe that they would be okay with the idea because all the people do is pay for it and we send it over, no one will see or have possession of the drug, infact we could set something up to where the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), can send this medicine over themselves if we gave them the money that we are given for these antibiotics so that even we don’t ever have possession of it either. That way there is nothing that can lead to a crime or some bad situation that would affect the FDA or our non profit in some

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