What Are The Flaws Of Ivan Van Sertima Theory

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Ivan Van Sertima was born in Guyana, South America. He got his education from the School of Oriental and African Studies and Rutgers Graduate School and has numerous degrees in African Studies and Anthropology. Dr. Van Sertima served as a Press and Broadcasting Officer in the Guyana Information Services from 1957-1959. Dr van Sertima theory was that Africans were in the Americas before Christopher Columbus. Dr. Van Sertima presents evidence to prove his theory by committing to years of research, the first step to proving his theory was pointing out the flaws in Columbus's story of being the first to reach the Americans the flaws that he found were, Columbus never step foot on the American Continent he only traveled to the Caribbean. Dr. Van Sertima goes on to explain Columbus Journals about his voyages to the new world.
In the Journal he says that Africans were in America before he arrived, but historians ignored this evidence. The Journal also explains talk more in dept about how Columbus never stepped foot in the Americas. In which proves that he couldn’t have possibly found a place he’s never been too. In addition Columbus made deals with both the Spanish and Portuguese officials to maximums his profits from his so called Discoveries. Van sertima states that Columbus was trying to line …show more content…

The Olmec people has the oldest native American Culture civilization in the Americas. They were not Black nor African, but they were heavily influenced by African people. The Olmec society existed between 600 to 900 years before the birth of Christ. Van Sertima Believe that the Olmec people and African people did biological exchanges with crops like Tobacco and maize. Van Sertima also argued that there was evidence of African Skeletons buried among the priestly caste of the Olmec people. The most powerful piece of evidence has to the stone heads that resemble the African

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