What Are The Flaws In The Great Gatsby

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In the beginning of my junior year at Minooka Community High School I thought that I was near to mastering writing. Looking back with the knowledge I have now, I am embarrassed by my foolishness and thankful that I did not brag about my “accomplishments.” I knew my writing was flawed, but I cockily assumed that my flaws were simple fixes; flaws that would be gone within some months of addressing it. My only worries were my word choice and the amount of time that it takes for me to convey my thoughts, and even then, I believed them to be only small hurdles. However, my AP English teacher of that year, Mrs. Lehman, would give me the awakening that I so desperately needed.
It was within the first few weeks of school when Mrs. Lehman assigned us our first paper over our summer reading of The Great Gatsby. We were to choose one of the main characters, Nick and Gatsby, and compare and contrast them to a passage we received on human nature. I knew that AP English and Honors English were not at the same level, so an essay this early did not surprise me. After …show more content…

I wanted to leave a positive impression on my teacher. I wanted her to see how much I had to offer as a writer. I read the passage. I annotated. I even looked up literary analyses to ensure that what I was implying was valid. Hours and hours of work were spent trying to create this impression of a great writer that I so desperately wanted Mrs. Lehman to see in me. I was working harder than my peers, asking multiple times for advice and peer editing. When I at long last finished my essay, I felt content with the work that I had produced, considering the amount of time that was give. However, I felt certain emptiness in my writing, as if my essay was simply fine but not exceptional. I turned it in regardless, pegging my feelings to jitters of turning in my first essay of the

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