What Are The Dangers Of Finding Nemo Persuasive Essay

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“Finding Nemo was without the doubt one of the most successful and memorable Pixar movie, and the art team didn’t leave anything to chance. To understand the underwater world better, they took scuba diving courses in oceanography, marine biology and more.” Earth's oceans and lakes are certainly not meant to be welcoming to visitors on land. Scuba divers and underwater explores face the same difficulties that astronauts face. Equipment is there to ensure that your dive is safe, and there’s most likely always peers to help you out. Obviously, there are dangers when you are threading underwater, and scuba diving is a very complicated task. To begin with, you have to go through a long training course, buy many different pricey gear and learn how to put them on, and also you have to be cautious of the currents and the water before you dive. …show more content…

One danger is obviously the lack of modern and up-to-date equipment. You don’t want me to go explore the underwater depths without proper equipment that can affect the amount of oxygen you have. Another danger is obviously the environment and animals that lurk in the abyss. Most animals are benign to humans, but some certainly can be hostile such as sharks. It’s difficult to evade a hungry great white shark that has an interest in you. You also must be careful of the water as it can have some serious effects on you. One of the last dangers are the effects of nitrogen on the human body. These include decompression sickness, nitrogen narcosis, barotrauma and oxygen toxicity. Scuba diving can have many dangers, and isn’t just a fun sport, it’s a dangerous one

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