What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Generic Brands

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A lot of people have a favorite store to shop at while some don’t really care about where they get their clothes. They may prefer expensive brands such as Hollister, Gucci, Nike, and more while some may just prefer anything that fits into their budget (generic brands) such as Bogo, Mossimo Co, and some unknown brands. Although popular brands and generic brands of clothing bear major differences, such as their affordability, they both produce a stigma of wearing popular brands of superiority amongst society. The popular brands of clothing are usually costly yet provide better quality. These brand name article of clothing that get big reputations because of the logo placed upon them or the reputation of the company, have become highly popular amongst many consumers. People have come to the assumption that if it costs more and is branded with a popular brand, then it should be bought. There are brands such as Versace selling watches that are not even …show more content…

Though popular brands have an audience that they are trying to capture and an image that they’re trying to uphold, generic brands is basically a cheaper replica of whatever you could have bought for 100 but instead for only 20 dollars. I’ve met someone who even told me that they’d never shop at Ross and that they’ll only shop at the stores in the malls. It might not make much sense but everyone has their own preferences and what a person may think should not be used to beat someone down because they’re preferences are not the same. If you want to by a sweater with holes for 2000 dollars go ahead but, if you want to be efficient just buy a sweater from Walmart and cut in some holes of your own. The stigma of wearing popular brands over generic brands of clothing will always be something that’s compared and contrast but overall, when being done, it should never be an attempt to judge

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