What Are Examples Of Anabaptist Individualism

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Capitalism had affected the mind of today´s Anabaptist society. The efficiency hard worker mind of the Anabaptist people has helped them to develop the land and microbusiness in the United States. This mindset has helped them to obtain a good life and resources to help others. However, it has created a dangerous worldview of Anabaptist Individualism in the mind of the young people. This consists in adopting the idea that Christians can own perennial things on earth because of heritage, hard work, and good stewardship of God´s creation with the only condition providing of brotherhood sharing. This mentality does not go against helping the poor, or free giving however, it retains certain level of pride and selfishness contradictory to giving …show more content…

Judas avarice is a clear example of the power of an individualistic life .In contrast with Judas example Peter Riedman wrote one response of how the church should function:
For this reason the Holy Spirit also at the beginning of the church began such community right gloriously again, so that none said that any of the things that he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common… Paul says “Let none seek his own profit but the profit of another
Christian need to believe that there is real power given to the Church and not to the individual persons. Ulrich Stadler .wrote about the union of the “gmainshaft” in the body of the Church:
One, common builds the Lord´s house and is pure; but mine, thine , his, own divides the Lord´s house and is impure. Therefore, where there is own ship and one has it, and it is his and one does not wish to be one with Christ and his own in living and dying , he us outside of Christ and his communion and has thus no father in heaven.

The Bible offers us the example of the consequences of individualism outside the church in the example of Simon. He was unable to understand that the power of the Holy Spirit cannot be used in a selfish way (as a possession).

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