What America Means To Me

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What does America mean? It is a hard question to answer, and there is no wrong answer because depending on a person’s past it can shape someone’s answer to this question. To me, America means achievement, freedom, and success. I have thought of these answers because of my past, and my families past. Another reason for those answers is because my family is foreign and came to America, for the reasons I listed, and after learning about my family's past, I can stand firm in my answers to What America means to me. America has achieved many victories throughout its history. When the pilgrims came to the new world, they achieved religious freedom. The Declaration of Independence achieved freedom. See, when people first came to America they began …show more content…

Everyone in America has a chance to achieve something. Usually, most people will achieve success, entrepreneurs will achieve success because they never give up. In America we also achieve major advances in technology, like Benjamin Franklin's famous kite flight, it helped us achieve a better understanding of electricity. Or possibly one of the greatest achievements in technology, when the Wright brothers took flight, that revolutionized transport forever, and they will always be known as the fathers of flight. Another advancement in technology is the Model T, this also changed our mode of transportation forever, even 100 years later, and we are still driving cars. These are just some of the technological advances that took place in America. America is a place where people all over the world know they can come here and have a great …show more content…

Most people living in America wish to be a successful CEO of a business, these people are entrepreneurs, people who want to organize a business, and will stop at nothing in order to make it to the top. My grandparents came here to find success, or at least be able to have a place to call home and to be able to feed their family, which to me is success. Though others see it differently, like my brother, for example, his definition would be to have a lot of money, and for people everywhere to know your name, and the name of your business. Though I can not say that his definition is wrong, because I see my brother as a risk taker, or in other words, an entrepreneur, I know my brother is confident in himself, and I will not be surprised to see my brother’s business being advertised in the future, he wants success, and my brother is a very dedicated person, and he may fail in some businesses, but that will not stop him. My father came to America for the same reason as my grandparents, to be able to have a home, and able to have a family. My father achieved those things, and is the most successful person I know personally, he came to America to make something of himself, and he did, which is why I look up to him, when it comes to success, and would want to try and follow some of the steps he took to get to where he is today. This is why I see America

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